# 9.5 异常的限制



//: StormyInning.java
// Overridden methods may throw only the
// exceptions specified in their base-class
// versions, or exceptions derived from the
// base-class exceptions.

class BaseballException extends Exception {}
class Foul extends BaseballException {}
class Strike extends BaseballException {}

abstract class Inning {
  Inning() throws BaseballException {}
  void event () throws BaseballException {
   // Doesn't actually have to throw anything
  abstract void atBat() throws Strike, Foul;
  void walk() {} // Throws nothing

class StormException extends Exception {}
class RainedOut extends StormException {}
class PopFoul extends Foul {}

interface Storm {
  void event() throws RainedOut;
  void rainHard() throws RainedOut;

public class StormyInning extends Inning
    implements Storm {
  // OK to add new exceptions for constructors,
  // but you must deal with the base constructor
  // exceptions:
  StormyInning() throws RainedOut,
    BaseballException {}
  StormyInning(String s) throws Foul,
    BaseballException {}
  // Regular methods must conform to base class:
//! void walk() throws PopFoul {} //Compile error
  // Interface CANNOT add exceptions to existing
  // methods from the base class:
//! public void event() throws RainedOut {}
  // If the method doesn't already exist in the
  // base class, the exception is OK:
  public void rainHard() throws RainedOut {}
  // You can choose to not throw any exceptions,
  // even if base version does:
  public void event() {}
  // Overridden methods can throw
  // inherited exceptions:
  void atBat() throws PopFoul {}
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      StormyInning si = new StormyInning();
    } catch(PopFoul e) {
    } catch(RainedOut e) {
    } catch(BaseballException e) {}
    // Strike not thrown in derived version.
    try {
      // What happens if you upcast?
      Inning i = new StormyInning();
      // You must catch the exceptions from the
      // base-class version of the method:
    } catch(Strike e) {
    } catch(Foul e) {
    } catch(RainedOut e) {
    } catch(BaseballException e) {}
} ///:~


interface Storm非常有趣,因为它包含了在Incoming中定义的一个方法——event(),以及不是在其中定义的一个方法。这两个方法都会“抛”出一个新的异常类型:RainedOut。当执行到StormyInning extendsimplements Storm的时候,可以看到Storm中的event()方法不能改变Inning中的event()的异常接口。同样地,这种设计是十分合理的;否则的话,当我们操作基类时,便根本无法知道自己捕获的是否正确的东西。当然,假如interface中定义的一个方法不在基类里,比如rainHard(),它产生异常时就没什么问题。





③:ANSI/ISO C++施加了类似的限制,要求派生方法异常与基类方法抛出的异常相同,或者从后者派生。在这种情况下,C++实际上能够在编译期间检查异常规范。
